We connect people to God and each other.by winning souls for Christ. Every member of the church should be a soul-winner. Our evangelism is supernatural because we not only preach the Word but we also testify and manifest the power of God through miracles, healing, the prophetic word, and words of knowledge.
Grow in love for God. We confirm and strengthen the decision made by the new believer, and the proper follow-up is provided until they develop the basic foundation of
their new life in Christ and later be able to join a discipleshipgroup.
Equip to discover purpose. The objective of discipleship is to teach, train, equip, activate, and provide pastoral care because its goal is the continual and constant growth of the individual so they can walk out their purpose.
Serve your gift. When leaders are sent—within the local church and with the DNA of the House to open a House of Fire or as mentors to start a discipleship group, they are already fulfilling the fourth stage of the vision because they are equipped with the power and gifts needed to extend the Kingdom of God and develop each area entrusted to them. Also, as they grow spiritually, they can be promoted and sent as deacons, elders, or ministers according to God’s calling for their lives.