Become A Partner
As a partner of the Fire of God International Ministry, your donation allows our team to impact the world around us. If you're looking to partner and help advance the Kingdom, you can give using the methods below for your House of Fire offering, First Fruits, Tithe and Offering, Missions, Vows, and Discipleship.
The Fire of God International Ministry is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Your giving is tax-deductible. Our mission is to love, help, and affirm every person, community, and nation in our reach. Will you help us?
ways to give:
At one of our weekly services or at a House Of Fire.
Feel free to ask how you can donate to the ministry.
Click on the donate button and you will be directed to our secure giving page.
Email us and we'll send you a secure link which will enable you to give to the ministry.